Genealogy Homepage of Matthias Stetter
Pedigree-view of Schmied, (Todgeburt)
+--SCHMID, Caspar Born: 1552 Geckenheim (errechnet) Died: 28.12.1627 Geckenheim
+--SCHMID, Caspar Born: um 1581 Geckenheim
| +--N.N, Elisabeth Born: um 1555
+--SCHMID, Andreas Born: 15.11.1609 Geckenheim / Bayern (Taufe) Died: 30.01.1664 Gollachostheim / Bayern
| +--LOCHNER, Margaretha Born: um 1584
+--SCHMID, Christoph Born: 06.10.1637 Gollachostheim / Bayern (Taufe) Died: 19.10.1686 Gollachostheim / Bayern
| | +--PFEIFFER, Petrus
| +--PFEIFFER, Apollonia Born: 10.10.1618 Gollachostheim / Bayern (Taufe)
| +--HAG, Margarethe
+--SCHMIED, (Todgeburt) Born: 18.10.1682
| +--HERBST, Kilian Born: 1609 (errechnet) Died: 22.03.1679 Gollachostheim / Bayern (Bestattung)
+--HERBST, Kunigunda
| +--OTT, Georgius
+--OTT, Christina Born: 10.10.1621 Gollachostheim / Bayern (Taufe) Died: 16.09.1675 Gollachostheim / Bayern (Bestattung)
+--BÄTZ, Barbara Born: aus Hopferstadt
Number of ancestors without double ancestors: 14
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